发布时间:2022-05-29 21:29
时间:2024-11-15 19:55
With the increasingly advanced techniques used in computing and internet technology, graates and hiring companies are no longer satisfied with the traditional face-to-face employing methods, instead, they are looking towards the Internet to achieve more choices and agreements between both parties, and enjoying more conveniences brought by the web. More and more career-matching sites are being set up to meet with the demands of the graating masses and hiring companies.
因此杭州毕业生就业网是根据杭州毕业生招生办的需求,运用当前流行的ASP.NET技术及SQL Server 2000数据库开发的。
Thus, graates in Hangzhou have used the popular ASP.NET and SQL Server 2000 techniques to set up a job-matching website, based on the requirements of Hangzhou college graates and undergraates.
The website is designed to have the following functions: personal account login with control panel, site updates and messages, new account registration, the 'graate' function, 'department' function, tagbooard, forums and so on. The development of the site has fully realized the employability of the students of Hangzhou and has provided a good platform of communication between the large numbers of Hangzhou graates and hiring units.
时间:2024-11-15 19:56
Along with calculator technique, network technical of raise continuously, graate student and job advertisement unit already no longer contented with traditional face to face job advertisement method, but the choice which hopes earnestly to reach them through an Internet harmoniously argument, enjoy more conveniences that the Internet brings, for the sake of the need of the contented with large graate student and the job advertisement unit, more and more of employment the website emerge with the tide of the times.So graate student employment in Hangzhou net is the need which solicits students to do according to graate student in Hangzhou, making use of current popular of ASP.NET technique and SQL Server 2000 database development of.Design and carried out a managing person to register, information inside the station, customer registration, graate student function, unit function, message etc. mold piece, the development of that website to graate student in Hangzhou solicit students to do to proce result in the aspects of working have already gone to go to close an important function, also provided a good terrace to the exchanges of the of large graate student in Hangzhou and the job advertisement unit.