be good to 和 be good for 的区别

be good to表示对某人友好、善待、照顾。be good for表示对某人或某物有益处。 例句: ①He is always good to his friends. 他对他的朋友们总是友好的。 ②Eating fruits is good for your health. 吃水果对你的健康有益。 区别二:动作对象不同 be good to后接人作为动作的对象。be good for后接人或...

对某人友好 用英语怎么说3种

1、be friendly to,英 [bi: ˈfrendli tu:] 美 [bi ˈfrɛndli tu]释义:对…友好/友善 She be friendly to everybody.她对所有的人都友善。2、be nice to sb 释义:对某人友好 Not exactly, but at least they should be nice to me.倒也不是,至少他们得对我友...


对某人友好的英文:be friendly to sb、to get along well with。一、be friendly to 英 [bi: ˈfrendli tu:] 美 [bi ˈfrɛndli tu]1、New techniques should increase agricultural production but also be friendly to the environment.新技术必须既增加农业生产,又有益于...


2. be friendly to sb 3. be friendly to 望采纳

对某人友好:be friendly to sb.还是be friendly with sb. 要清楚的解 ...


be friendly with sb还是be friendly to sb?

"be friendly with sb"和"be friendly to sb" 都表示与某人友好相处,但在使用时有细微的区别:"be friendly with sb":这个表达方式强调的是两个或多个人之间的友好关系,指的是彼此之间相互友好、和睦相处。它强调的是双方都对彼此友好,互相交往的态度积极而和善。例如:She is friendly with her...


be friendly to sb be kind to sb(kind 友善的)

be friendly和friendly有什么区别

1. 释义区别:"be friendly with sb":表示与某人保持友好关系,彼此之间有互动和交往。"be friendly to sb":表示对某人友善和热情,表现出善意和友好态度。例句:He is friendly with his neighbors and often goes out with them.(他与邻居们保持着友好关系,并经常一起外出。)The shopkeeper is...

be friendly to和be friendly with有什么差别呢?

1、动作对象的不同 be friendly to通常用于描述对某人或某事的友好态度或行为,而be friendly with则更多的是用来描述与某人有友好的关系或交往。例句:①You should be friendly to everyone you meet. 你应该对你遇到的每一个人都友好。②She is friendly with her neighbors. 她和她的邻居关系很好...

