区域经济发展不平衡 用英语怎么说

官方译文:imbalance in development of regional economy 上网查查哦.

全球发展不平衡 大学英语作文

On Friday, President Hu Jintao presented a four-point plan at the G20 Summit in Seoul for achieving strong global economic growth. He urged the international community to not only "champion open trade and promote coordinated development", but also make efforts to reform the global fi...


不平衡英语:不平衡 [bù píng héng]n. imbalance ; disequilibrium ; lopsidedness vt. unbalance misc. imbalantia 网络释义 uneven 不平衡(uneven)[医] imbalance  [力] unbalance [科技] out of balance 短语平衡与不平衡 equilibrium and disequilibrium 发展空间不平衡 uneven development s...


Uneven 不平坦的; 不平滑的; 不规则的

外贸进出口发展不平衡 用英语

foreign trade between export import are unbalance


With China entering into WTO and the termination of quota system for world drygoods trades, the trade turnover of drygoods between China and the United States is constantly increasing.但由于经济发展不平衡及利益不一致,中美之间贸易摩擦也日趋激烈。But the trade frictions between China ...

外贸进出口发展不平衡 用英语?

import and export of overseas trading develops unbalanced.

谁帮我翻译的论文修改一下?(英译汉)Global growth is looking less lop...


贸易不平衡 用英语?

Trade imbalance


it point out the relative strategies of overcoming this problem.Key words: trade between Zmerica and China, restraint of export, industry structure ,reason/course, strategy 自己翻译的,我也是学经济学的,里面有很多专业词啊。。不知道翻译的确不确切。。反正用心了。。加分吧。。西西。。