
过敏反应的英文是allergic reaction。例句:1、My biggest breakdown is I'm allergic to 10% foods.我最大的崩溃是我对10%的食物过敏。2、She has an allergic reaction to some flowers.她对某些花有过敏反应。3、Many of the things we eat can trigger off a violent allergic reaction.我们所...


过敏在英语中的发音是allergy,发音为ælərdʒi。1、She is allergic to peanuts,so she has to be very careful about what she eats.她对花生过敏,所以她必须非常小心她吃什么。2、Every spring,my pollen allergy acts up,and I start sneezing uncontrollably.每年春天,我的...


对...过敏:be sensitive to 过敏:hypersusceptibility/allergie 名词,是指因药物引起的身体或者皮肤上的过敏 过敏症:allergy 皮肤过敏用英语怎么说 skin allergy['??l??d??i]皮肤过敏 英文怎么说 skin irritation 过敏 的英文怎么说我只想知道这个词的意 我用简单一点的语言来说吧.在音标中,每一...

过敏 英文

过敏的英文是:allergy。双语例句:1、Allergy to cats is one of the commonest causes of asthma.对猫类过敏是哮喘病发作最常见的诱因之一。2、This type of allergy can very occasionally be fatal.这类过敏症在极个别情况下有可能是致命的。3、Food allergies can result in an enormous variety...

过敏 的英文怎么说

对...过敏:be sensitive to 过敏:hypersusceptibility/allergie 名词,是指因药物引起的身体或者皮肤上的过敏 过敏症:allergy


英 [ˌɪrɪtə'bɪləti]     美 [ˌɪrɪtə'bɪləti]n. 易怒;过敏性;兴奋性。Usually, such depression is disguised as physical illness or a general air of irritability and negativity.通常,这样的抑郁是装扮...

过敏 的英文怎么说我只想知道这个词的意思我只想知道

过敏 [词典]allergy; [医]irritability; acroaesthesia; acrosthesia; be sensitive to [例句]Allergy to cats is one of the commonest causes of asthma.对猫类过敏是哮喘病发作最常见的诱因之一。


过敏的英文是allergic。1.The rice bran protein is known as high quality vegetable protein through the world, it has not only the high nutritional value, but also the low allergic characteristic.米糠蛋白是世界公认的优质植物蛋白,它不但营养价值高且具有低过敏性的特点。2.Find which food ...


皮肤过敏 英文翻译:skin sensibility [例句]Does the profit lies, one, prevents the residual droplet stimulation oronasal skin, in order to avoid causes the skin sensibility or suffers injury.这样做的益处在于,一、防止残留雾滴刺激口鼻皮肤,以免引起皮肤过敏或受损。


I'm allergic to alcohol.