
My hometown is in yunnan, yunnan youdao we food called yunnan bridge rice noodle, it is made from all kinds of vegetables and rice noodle, the taste is very good, a lot of people like to eat, so a lot of cities have its chain!


Always in my heart noodle 豆花米线


火腿月饼 Ham mooncakes


Yunnan is a beautiful province located in the southwest of China. It has a long history and rich culture. I am proud to say that Yunnan is my hometown.Firstly, Yunnan is known for its diverse ethnic groups. There are 25 different minority nationalities living in Yunnan, each ...


用英语介绍美食的范文如下:范文一:Chinese Traditional food is mainly eaten on the New Year.The nian gao is a sweet steamed sticky rice pudding.The zong zi is sticky rice wrapped in reed leaves.The man tou is steamead wheat bread served with meat dumplings.Jiaozi is also a ...


介绍家乡小吃英语作文如下,供参考。Hometown Snacks 家乡小吃 My hometown is famous for its delicious snacks. There are many types of snacks that represent our local culture and tradition.我的家乡以美味的小吃而闻名。有许多种小吃代表着我们当地的文化和传统。First and foremost, the most ...


The thick, delicious broth has a persistent aroma. You can throw in tofu and other vegetables and eat it hot-pot style.香浓美味的汤香味很持久,你可以像吃火锅一样,在汤中下些豆腐和其他蔬菜吃。美食英语作文篇7:donkey meat sandwich Hebei province: Lvrou huoshao (donkey meat san...


用英语介绍中国美食如下:1、On traditional Chinese Dragon boat Festival,people eat zongzi to memorise the famous poet Quyuan.2、The zongzi is made of glutinous rice with meat balls and yolk. It is very delicous and healthy.3、It is wrapped with bamboo leaves to make it smell good...


出生于成都的美籍华人、在中国西南地区为荷花美食游(Lotus Culinary Travel)担任导游的左子英(音)表示,比起饭店的版本,家常麻婆豆腐通常不会那么油腻,用料也要简单一些。左女士在家准备麻婆豆腐的时候,只用豆腐和一些辣椒油,不放那么多豆瓣酱。而且她经常用切好的葱段代替蒜苗。The dish is also a...


Jiaozi(chinese Dumpling) is a traditional chinese food ,which is essention during holidays in nor thern china.Chinese dumpling becomes one of the most widely love food in china.Chinese dumpling is one of the most important foods in chinese new year.Since the shape of chinese ...