
一、写出下列单词的过去式。(22分)learn ___ sing ___ dance ___ eat ___am/is___ fly___take ___ climb ___ have ___ buy ___play___ visit ___row ___ see ___ get ___ read ___wash ___ clean___do ___ go ___ leave ___watch___二、写出下列单词或词组(...


1、 A、water B 、jump C、run D、climb ( A )2、 A、longer B、taller C、tired D、stronger ( C )3、 A、teeth B、length C、feet D、arm ( B )4、 A、head B、hand C、taller D、leg ( C )5、 A、b...


六、选择填空 ( ) 1. The boy ___ big eyes is Tom’s brother. A. in B. with C. for ( ) 2. Mr Green ___ a play last Sunday. A. see B. sees C. saw ( ) 3. Mike is very fat. He is ___ than Liu Tao. A. older B. heavier C. younger ( ) 4. Jim ___ to do m...


一、听句子,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出所包含的信息,并将字母标号填写在题前括号内. ( 10 分 )( )1、A. short B. stronger C. heavier D. smaller ( )2、A.shorter B. olderC.stronger D.younger ( )3、A. bigger B. heavierC.longer D. thinner ( )4...


一、1,singing 2,going 3,are having 4,to buy 5,is dancing 6,washing 7,teaches 8,have 9,is 10,plays 二。What are you giong to do on the weekend?Which season do you like best?三、1,play——playing 2,teachs——teaches 3,don't——doesn't 补充:He is like a worker....


tooth (复数) I (同音词) swim (现在分词)have (第三人称单数) read (过去式) buy(过去式)doesn’t (完全形式)二、 选择:15分 ( ) 1. What___Amy___last weekend ?A. did, do B. do, do C. does, do ( ) 2. Mike ___his clothes everyday.A....

六年级下册英语苏教版 1到3单元 复习 出10道题 把答案写下来_百度知 ...

see them.I ___(get) my purse back.The policeman ___(stop) the theif yesterday.Did you have any brothers __(and) sisters?Nancy ___(swim) ___(fast) than Gao Shan.He ___(do) his homework just now.He __ ___ in PE.Can i ___(fly) like a bird?


Unit 1 tall—taller更高的 short—shorter 更矮的 strong—stronger 更强壮的 old—older 年龄更大的 young—younger 更年轻的 big—bigger 更大的heavy—heavier 更重的 long—longer 更长的 thin—thinner 更瘦的 small—smaller (体型)更小的 Unit 2 have a fever 发烧 have a sore throat...


A. 根据句意,填入一个适当的英文单词。1. We are going to t around China during the summer holidays.2. I kShanghai is a very famous city in China.3. Let’s find an interesting pto visit.4. I wto go to Australia with my parents.5. I’m going to the Summer Palace t...


1.Westerners___(west)often eat their food with knives and forks.2.it is__funny_(fun,funny)to watch cartoons.3._on__the morning__of_november.(介词)4.about 70__A__people.A thousand B thousands of C thousands D a few thousands of 5.the steamed fish tastes__C__.i want...