
Day breaks.; it's dawn 天亮了 例句:最后,天亮了,鸟儿的合唱随之而来。Finally, morning dawns, bringing with it a chorus of birds.2004年12月26日,天亮了,跟我们渔村的任何其他日子一样,男人出海捕鱼,带回鱼获。 女人向他们买鱼,拿到市场去卖,按部就班处理。The dawn of 26th of...


It's bright

天亮了 英语说法

it is dawn, It is light already, it is daybreak now.It is getting dark, all the road/street lights are on.When I fell in sleep, it is dawn already all the cars in streets turned on/turned off their lights. (车应该不能开路灯)


天亮了:At dawn

天亮的英语翻译 天亮用英语怎么说

天亮_有道词典 天亮 dawn;daybreak更多释义>> [网络短语]天亮 OPEN SKY;Dawn;daybreak 天亮了 Day break;It's Dawn;Dawn 饶天亮 Djrowei Extended Remix;DJPerson Extended Remix 详细用法>>


天亮 [tiān liàng][词典] dawn; daybreak; day break;[网络] at daybreak; OPEN SKY;[例句]天亮了。Day is breaking.; It's light already.


天亮了:It is light.“睡觉了。”这句,没有时间状元,要有语言环境,才能翻译。I was sleeping just now. 译为:我刚才睡觉了。

天亮了,该上路了 的英文怎么写是什么

The day is just dawning, it's time to go.希望楼主能采纳,谢谢~参考资料:借助字典,自己翻译的。


英文名是 like a bird


天亮了 Day breaks;Day dawns.X信不信由你 Believe it or not.行动胜于空谈 Actions speak louder than words.需要是发明之母 Necessity is the mother of invention.Y一只耳朵进,一只耳朵出 go in at one ear and out at the other有其父必有其子 Like father,like son.Z这怪不着谁 No one is to ...