
小学六年级下学期英语考试试题一 笔试部分 (70分)四、选出划线部分读音不同的单词。(4分)( )1、A、angry B、afraid C、ant ( )2、A、use B 、university C、mud ( )3、A、fast B、sad C、happy ( )4、A、book B、door C、look 五、选出每组中不同类的一项。(10分)( )1、A...


外研版小学六年级下册英语试题一 笔试部分(54分) 六、根据上下文,从所给的九个句子中选择六个,将对话补充完整,并将该选项前面的字母编号填在相应的横线上(每句1.5分,共9分) A.I’m sorry to hear that.(真难过) B.How does he feel? C.You look sad. D. When are you going? E.What are you ...

pep英语六年级下册复习题 又不会的请各位指教 急~~ 很急~~ 非常急...

1.How tall are you 2、How old is Lucy?3、Is your father 50kg 4、Who is taller than me?5.What do you wear?6、Are your legs 70cm long?7.How long is Amy's hair?希望我的回答对你有帮助,祝你英语更上一层楼


1.l don't like pink now.我现在不喜欢粉红色。本句中,now属于时间副词,一般放句尾,需要强调时,也可以放句首。2.Her sisiter didn't like winter before.她姐姐以前不喜欢冬天。本句中,Before也是时间副词,一般放句尾,需要强调时,也可以放句首。3.There are many tall buildings in our...


一、1,singing 2,going 3,are having 4,to buy 5,is dancing 6,washing 7,teaches 8,have 9,is 10,plays 二。What are you giong to do on the weekend?Which season do you like best?三、1,play——playing 2,teachs——teaches 3,don't——doesn't 补充:He is like a worker....


1、My favourite animal is panda. It lives on the bamboo. It is black and white. It is fat and heavy. It looks lovely. I often go to see it in the park.2、One day, my classmate, Lily had got a bad cold. Miss Hu took (her,她) to see a (doctor,医生), and got...


2017小学六年级下学期英语考试试题一 一、英汉互译(16分)。1.去野餐 2.go shopping 3.拉小提琴 4.clean the rooms 5.洗餐具 do the 6.put into 7.散步 8.go on a picnic 二、根据汉语提示补全下列短语。(16分)1、 flowers(摘花) 2、 trees(砍树)3. Water(浪费水) 4、 the park(去...


1.擅长英语 be good at English 16。乘2路车 by the bus No.2 2.体育很好 do well in PE 17。和黄色的那个一样重 as strong as the yellow one 3.游得比我快 swim faster than me 18.have a lot of fun 玩得高兴/收获了许多快乐 4.一些孩子 some children 19.flowers...


1.Tell us about your school 2.We took about three days to get to Beijing 3.Three years ago,there was no gym in our school.4.Mike had a race with his father last month.


一:1.B,2.C 3.A 4.A 5.B,C 二:1. Some birds are singing.He is rowwing boat.The sun shines.2. We are walking in the park.She is reading a book.Dog is singing.3. The birds are singing.She is playing the flute We are going to listen to music ...