
1. to all intents and purposes 事实上;实际上 造句:The case is closed to all intents and purposes.其实这个案子已经结束了。2. for all practical purposes 事实上; 实际上 造句:The sale was supposed to last for a week, but for all practical purposes it's over.减价销售原来预料...


in fact; in reality; as a matter of fact; actually:事实上的承认 de facto recognition 事实上的错误 factual mistake 事实上的法人团体 corporation de facto 事实上的默示合同 implied contract in fact 事实上的所有人 practical owner


1、In fact I am not interested in matinee show.事实上,我对日场并不感兴趣。2、In fact I think you're right.事实上,我认为你是对的。3、In fact the first voyage went without a hitch.事实上,第一次航行十分顺利。近义词:as a matter of fact, in point of fact ...


事实上;实际上,其实;实则;说起来 例句:In fact, those people have been promoted.事实上,那些人已经升职了。2、effectively 英 [ɪˈfektɪvli] 美 [ɪˈfɛktɪvli]adv.有效地;实际上,事实上 例句:This effectively means that the government does...


事实上;实际上,英语短语是in fact。例句:You have to admit that you are, in fact, in difficulties 你不得不承认,你事实上是陷入了困境。In fact, those people have been promoted.事实上,那些人已经升职了。This is a common fallacy which has no basis in fact.这是一个没有事实依据...


事实上的英文:(adv) de facto ipso facto virtually actually in fact 参考例句:In fact; actually 事实上;实际上 de facto segregation.事实上的隔离 They will be de facto in a state of war.他们将在事实上处于交战状态。In fact, the sanctions are gradually abating.事实上,制裁正在逐渐...


in fact fact 英 [fækt];美 [fækt]n. 事实;;实际 1、fact作“事实”解时是可数名词,作“真实情况”解时,是不可数名词。fact引申可表示“论据,细节”等。2、fact后常接一个同位语从句,在“ v. +the fact that-clause”结构中, the fact常可省略,而只剩下“ v....


事实上,你是对的。英语:In fact, you are right.句子分析:1、“In fact”:这是一个表达事实或的短语,意思是“实际上”或“事实上”,用于引出后面的陈述。2、“you are right”:这是一个陈述句,意思是 “你是对的”,表示对某人的观点或说法表示认同或同意。其他同义句:1、As a ...


as a matter of fact:事实上,实际上。例句:实际上,我们是老朋友了。As a matter of fact, we are old friends.其中fact作“事实”解时是可数名词,作“真实情况”解时,是不可数名词。fact引申可表示“论据,细节”等。fact后常接一个同位语从句,在“ v. +the fact that-clause”结构中, ...

事实上 用英语翻译

1. in fact 2. in reality 3. as a matter of fact 4. actually 以上来源于:《新汉英大辞典》折叠《新汉英大辞典》事实上 [shì shí shang]in fact; in reality; as a matter of fact; actually:例句: de facto recognition;事实上的承认 factual mistake;事实上的错误 ...