学习英语不容易? 用英文怎么说?

It is so hard to learn English。陈述的语气:It's uneasy to learn English.希望能帮到你。


他们好不容易才做到得失相当。They only just managed to set off gains against losses.她好不容易才挤到前面。She worked her way to the front.我好不容易才赶上汽车。I had enough to do catch the bus.他好不容易插进了一句话。He had difficulty edging in a word of his own.好不容易...

他们把我带大不容易 用英语怎么说

They take me grow up not easy .


想见你却真不容易的英语表达是But it is not easy to see you.但个人觉得这句中文表达就有些问题,不知道你的意思是不是想说:想见你还真不容易。这样直接说It is not easy to see you.就好了。上面那个加了个But 肯定是有前后文的表达,不适合单独说。


我认为它对我来说是不容易的 I think it is not easy for me


儿童英语的读音是[t_a_ld]。1、释义:小孩;儿童;子女;儿子;女儿;深受影响的人;孩子气的人。2、例句:They have three grown-up children.他们有三个成年的孩子。a support group for adult children of alcoholics.帮助酗酒者成年子女的小组。They can't have children .他们不能生孩子。 已赞过 已踩过< ...

“不容易开裂" 英语怎么说?

not easy to break


it's not difficult for them to learn English, we can help her easily.


[英文]swing; sway; rock; vacillate; daiker [例句]1. 他们来回摇摆,基本上与音乐同步。They swayed back and forth, more or less in sync with the music.2. 我看见一只猴子在秋千上摇摆。I saw a monkey swinging on the swing.3. 我受不了摇摆舞音乐,因为太响了。I can not stand ...


我的译文是:Not being with you,I am uneasy.It is a long way to have you in my heart.翻译点评:1.翻译没有你在身边,可以采用around me或not being with you,不舒服的表达好多种了,unesay,uncomfortable都可以的,2.爱你真是很不容易,可以采用意译的方式,如果采用直接翻译,给人以苍白的感觉...